Dangling Feathery Colors

Australian King-Parrot

Alisterus scapularis

Carroll NSW 2340, Australia

21 September 2020

I woke up one day along the side of the road near Gunnedah, NSW. Another traveler was parked nearby and was listening to ominous news on the radio. But not too far from him was a path leading to a stream and a farm. I saw this fellow dangling from the tree eating flowers right at the beginning of the path. It was a bit jarring to hear news of the pandemic, while witnessing the bright feather colors feast oblivious to the goings on of people.

The Australian King Parrot is relatively common on the East Coast of Australia, and friends with the rosellas. I'm not sure what they're king of, but if they're all king that seems like a modestly egalitarian monarchy. They're sometimes kept as pets but aren't particularly chatty as far as parrots go. All in all, not bad for a bird.